Difficulty Finding Python Developers

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Fri Apr 16 10:04:27 EDT 2004

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Peter Hansen wrote.
>>>They're not, but the discussion was serious production projects.
>>I thought the discussion was a 3-month project.  To me, that's
>>definitely not something I would classify as a "serious production
>>project".  I know, I know, the length alone shouldn't be enough
>>to call it serious or production or not.  It's just not the term
>>I would apply to something that short.  "Experiment", maybe, or
>>"quickie", or "co-op student project" or something...
> hmm.  have I been posting to the wrong newsgroup?

Maybe, but not in this thread, so far, unless my news providers
is dropping messages.

(I'm sure there's a subtle point you're making, but it's too
subtle for my simple brain; forgive me.)

(And in case my point was unclear: the OP asked about something
which seemed like a very simple experimental project to get their
feet wet with Python.  Others seemed to be justifying their points
by shifting it towards major software engineering efforts.  I
understand their point, but just don't believe it applies in the
OP's case, unless I misinterpreted the OP's situation in which case
we'll probably hear back soon...)


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