OT (was Re: But it still doesn't explain the joke)

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at uci.edu
Sat Apr 3 21:18:57 EST 2004

> The father is put in an awkward position of having to explain how he is 
> not a traitor to his country of birth.

Not necessarily, the whole "under god" clause, that has caused basically 
all of the legal issues in the last few decades, is the result of 
McCarthy-era foolishness.
Really, he's standing up for his child's rights.  Had that clause not 
been there, this lawsuit (and other similar ones) would not have even 
been brought to court.

Bush invades Iraq (killing thousands of innocents), lies about his 
reasons for it, gets caught in his lie, and lies some more.  Oh, and 
he's currently up for reelection.

You tell me, who'se the traitor?

  - Josiah

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