Kuhlman's tutorials pretty good

Dave Kuhlman dkuhlman at rexx.com
Fri Apr 16 14:55:26 EDT 2004

gabor wrote:

> hmmm..could you also put on the web the latex sources? (or a
> ps/pdf version?)...
> or if it is already there, i can't find it :(

The TeX/LaTeX sources for these tutorials and postscript (.ps)
and PDF files are in:


A few comments:

I was able, just now, to generate ps and pdf files.  Thanks for
asking this question.  You motivated me to try to generate them.  I
did not know that I could do that.

The fonts in the ps files are not so good, and the fonts in the pdf
files are terrible.  Maybe they will appear better on your system.
If you look at them, please let me know.

In both the ps and pdf files, example source code files that are
included into the LaTeX source do not show.  Only the file name
appears.  I don't know whether this is normal, or if it indicates
an error on my part.

There are a number of .tex files (the sources), a Makefile, and a
number of example files (which are sucked in when I build the HTML
files).  These sources are intended for use with the Python
documentation system.  You can find out about that at:


I don't know whether you are familiar with the Python documentation
system.  If you decide to generate ps or pdf files yourself, you
will need the Python source code distribution and other things
besides.  You will also need to modify my Makefile.  The Python
documentation system is great, by the way.

If I can be of help with your use of these files, please let me


dkuhlman at rexx.com

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