regex help for a newbie

Marco Herrn herrn at
Tue Apr 6 16:23:16 EDT 2004

On 2004-04-06, marco <marco at> wrote:
> Marco Herrn <herrn at> writes:
>> the parts in a recursive function. So the thing I want to achieve here
>> is to extract %(BBB%(CCC)BBB) and %(DDD).
> p1, p2 = "aaa%(BBB%(CCC)BBB)aaa%(DDD)aaa".split("aaa")[1:-1]

Doesn't help, since I do not know that there is the string "aaa". It was
just an example. I do not know any of the strings/characters. The only
thing I know is that a percent sign indicates that the content inside
the following parentheses is an expression that has to be evaluated.

I need to do this by real parsing. In fact the solution from Diez isn't
enough. I will have to write a much more flexible parser, as I realized.

Diez mentioned spark as a parser. I also found yappy, which is a parser
generator. I have not much experience with parsers. What is the
difference between these two? When should one use the one, when the

Marco Herrn             herrn at
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