CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Mark Hahn mark at
Thu Apr 15 14:05:29 EDT 2004

"Roy Smith" <roy at> wrote...

> It's entirely unclear how any of the above should influence your
> decisions on language design :-)

It may not technically be part of the language design, but aesthic issues
like this need to be decided up front or they will be decided randomly.
Users on the Prothon mailing list were asking me (I'm the BDFL there) to
change from wide_names to camelCase and I wasn't letting them, because
Python used wide_names and I have a rule about following Python unless there
is a good reason to change.

Then I came here and asked and to my surprise I'm finding out that 100% of
python users want camelCase.  This kind of blows away my argument against
it.  So camelCase it will be.

Now I'll go through all the Python method and var names and convert them all
to camelCase for Prothon.  It shouldn't be a problem for users since the
conversion is mechanical.

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