CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Andrei project5 at
Thu Apr 15 13:02:25 EDT 2004

Mark Hahn wrote on Thursday 15 April 2004 17:17:

> We have agreed in Prothon that unlike Python we are going to be 100%
> consistant in our var and method naming.  We will not have run-together
> words like iteritems, we are going to always have seperated words like
> has_key.

I don't like underscores in variable names for the same reason as
Brendan/OKB: they're hard to type and they slow me down because: a) it's
one extra keypress compared to MixedCase (or CamelCase - depending on who
you ask) and b) even at same word length, it takes longer for me to type
the underscore than any alphanumeric character. 

Personally I also find MixedCase easier to read than under_scores
(especially in code and especially when more than two words are
concatenated, e.g. AskUserPermission vs. ask_user_permission - the first is
immediateyl obvious as being one word, the second might fool me at first
(quick) glance into thinking it's three words). I'm not sure if this
universally true or just a matter of what I'm used to.



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