Need arguments for "Python vs. Perl as an OOPL"

Cameron Laird claird at
Wed Sep 24 13:50:56 EDT 2003

In article <roy-002696.23242122092003 at>,
Roy Smith  <roy at> wrote:
>I'm working on a prototype of a new application in Python.  At some 
>point, if this ever turns into a product, the powers that be will almost 
>certainly demand that it be done in Perl.  My job will be to convince 
>them otherwise.
>The basic design of the application is object oriented.  I've never used 
>Perl's OO features, so I'm not in a good position to make a comparison 
>of the two languages from an OO point of view.  Can somebody who's done 
>OOP in both Python and Perl help me out?
>I certainly know why Perl sucks in general, but for this purpose, I need 
>to specifically compare the OO features of the two.  I'm looking for 
>something more fundamental than "->{} is ugly".

Roy, while the usual crowd has given you good general counsel,
I think you deserve to know that, yes, there *is* a story 
specifically about Perl's OO.

Briefly, Perl wasn't designed as OO, and it was added on as a
(too-clever) hack.  Python was OO from the beginning.

That argument smacks of *ad hominem*.  <URL: http:// > has details.

Counter-argument:  Damian's *Object-Oriented Perl* is superb.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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