newbie question on which win32 GUI to choose

David M. Cook davecook at
Fri Sep 5 21:13:42 EDT 2003

In article <mailman.1062788290.24102.python-list at>, John Hunter

>>>>>> "Cameron" == Cameron Laird <claird at> writes:
>    Cameron> experience inclines me to the former.  I've found pyGTK
>    Cameron> too immature under Win*.  The people who claim success
>    Cameron> with it are, from what I can tell, those who benefit from
>    Cameron> consider- able prior GTK+ work.  --
> I haven't found this.  I've written two applications in pygtk2 and one
> plotting library that run with no alterations on linux and win32, and
> I had no prior GTK+ experience, or any GUI experience for that matter.
> As for immaturity, the gimp runs under windows, and I *think* pygtk
> can do just about anything gtk can do, hence it's a pretty
> sophisticated toolkit under windows.  What aspects do you find
> immature?

I have to concur with Cameron on the immaturity of Gtk under win32.  I've
run into at least one severe bug that affects my application only on win32:

Another thing I've noticed is that the "window expander" handle (not sure
what it's actually called) in the Gtk status bar doesn't work on win32.

And Gtk just seems slower and less responsive on win32 (particularly on

Also, there is only one guy covering win32 bugs, so they don't get fixed
very quickly.  

I suppose if you don't push it very hard then it may be OK.

> And glade-2 is a nice RAD tool that runs under linux and win32.

I love glade and would not want to do without it, but it's funky and buggy.
For example there's a maddening bug that causes any objects you've set for
signals for menuitems to be lost if you do *any* editing of the menu; also
for no reason that I can fathom glade will not let you add accelerators for
some menu items.  These are old bugs, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like
there's anyone doing active maintenance on the stable branch (the main
developer left.) 

That said, the first thing I do when evaluating a new toolkit is look to see
if it has anything roughly equivalent to glade/libglade.

Dave Cook

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