Python boxed set

David Mertz mertz at
Mon Sep 8 14:18:22 EDT 2003

Nick Vargish <nav+posts at> wrote previously:
|> Just email <send-me-money at> for details on payment/shipping.
|> The first order may take an extra week for setup time (it might take a
|> couple days for me to talk to my local copy-shop about printing the box
|> and so on).  [only *wink*ing inasmuch as I question the market, for even
|> one $299 sale, I really would create something quite nice looking]

|How much of this $299 would go to the PSF? And how much would go to
|the David-needs-a-yacht fund? I could probably get my boss to order 4
|or 5 such boxed distributions...

Well... maybe it would be the David-needs-a-canoe fund; I'd have to sell
quite a few before I'd be thinking about the yacht (to sail my local
Connecticut River, I guess).

How serious does anyone else think the market for a Python boxed set
would be?  If some people such a thing would actually sell some copies,
I wouldn't mind putting some work into making nice covers for the box,
formatting the documentation nicely, and the like.  And presumably
giving most of the money to the PSF, especially if someone wanted to
give me a hand with the project.  FWIW, I -do- own a little consulting
corporation, which may mean something for business/tax purposes.

Yours, David...

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