[Off-Topic] cvs

Harry George harry.g.george at boeing.com
Fri Oct 24 08:24:19 EDT 2003

Jozef Kosoru <jozef.kosoru at iblsoft.com> writes:

> Hello,
> sorry for the off-topic question but I think this is a good
> place to ask.  I plan to develop open-sourced web application
> which integrates CVS browser, a bug tracking system and some
> more interesting features to support development both
> open-sourced and commercial projects.  I would like to know
> whether it is worth to invest my free time for such a tool.
> CVS is rather an old system and I have no idea how widely is
> used in development teams. So my question is easy: Do you use
> CVS in your development?
> Thank you,
> jozef

As others have said, CVS is used very widely both for publically
visible open source projects (e.g., on sourceforge), and on private

But your real question is "I would like to know whether it is
worth(while) to invest my free time".  This is a personal decision.
There are already good CVS GUI's (I use tkcvs and wincvs), and there
are IDE's (I don't use any).  You could use them, or join one of those
efforts, or just reinvent the wheel yourself.

Reinventing the wheel is an honorable passtime in open source -- you
may not get anyone to join you or use your tool, but it is a perfectly
valid exercise.  Who knows?  You might come up with the greatest IDE
ever seen.

harry.g.george at boeing.com
6-6M31 Knowledge Management
Phone: (425) 342-5601

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