teaching programming to children

Cousin Stanley CousinStanley at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 17 03:23:48 EDT 2003

Lee ....

  Thanks for posting the link to Squeak ....


  Although I've heard about SmallTalk for many years,
  I've never got around to actually looking into it .... 

  There seems to be enough gee-whiz factor 
  in the Squeak package right out of the box
  that might attract potential young programmers
  while learning .... 

  I'm sure it will keep this 57 year old kid programmer 
  occupied for at least a few days .... 

  I ran across a couple of SmallTalk references
  yesterday while looking for some Python info
  and Squeak seems to provide a convenient way
  to examine some of those concepts .... 

Cousin Stanley
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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