best GUI toolkit for python: tkinter, wxPython or what?

Alex Martelli aleax at
Fri Oct 31 04:29:39 EST 2003

Tim Ronning wrote:
>>> for somebody who wants tostart small/medium GUI apps with python:
>>> what's the best toolkit: tkinter, wxPython or what? stability, ease of
>>> use
>>> and portability between mac and windows are the main criteria.
> I myself is a novice in this game. But I couldn't help myself, so in
> paralell with learning the basics I fetched the Eric IDE, PyQt wrapper and
> the latest QT. Within minutes I was actually generateing really nice UI's.
> And the best thing of all, just compile your forms from within ERIC and,
> voila you have a python script including all the QT stuff. This is RAD.

Yes, eric + pyqt + qt _IS_ a great RAD, *BUT*:

1. I don't know if eric currently runs on mac and windows, as required
   by the original poster

2. distributing non-GPL applications using pyqt/qt, or distributing
   them on windows (and I think on mac too), requires purchasing a
   license -- the OP had said nothing about need to avoid payment,
   but I've found that people generally DO expect to get something
   for nothing in everything connected to open-source:-).

If one is thinking in terms of GPL/Linux, OR one has funding to pay
for licenses, then yes, I would definitely recommend PyQt/Qt -- either
with eric (on hearsay -- haven't actually tried it out yet but I've
ONLY heard good things about it!) for GPL/Linux, or with theKompany's
BlackAdder IDE which does run on Windows (dunno about macs) AND comes
with licenses for pyqt/qt that are cheaper than you can purchase on
their own (the licenses alone may be worth getting a Blackadder license
even if you don't plan to use Blackadder itself, in fact).


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