Python debugger

Guillermo Fernandez guillermo.fernandez at
Thu Oct 16 16:18:43 EDT 2003


I'm trying to play with the python debugger. The idea is to put lines in the 
code to automatically define breakpoints at the starting of the debugger.


1 def a():
2 #--- break
3     print 'done'

would automatically insert a break in the line number 2)

I did the code appended (I'm still quite a beginner...) but it makes me problems.
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\sm\", line 52, in run'exec codeObject in mainDict', locals(), mainDict)
   File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\sm\", line 29, in run
     Sdb().run(statement, globals, locals)
   File "C:\Python23\lib\site-packages\sm\", line 23, in run
     pdb.Pdb.do_break(self, str(linenbr))
   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 262, in do_break
     filename = self.defaultFile()
   File "C:\Python23\lib\", line 278, in defaultFile
     filename = self.curframe.f_code.co_filename
AttributeError: Sdb instance has no attribute 'curframe'
Exception raised while running script  <source>

I run the program as:
import spedb
# mainDict can also be another argument passed,
# I think it's also locals() by default
mainDict['codeObject']=codeObject'exec codeObject in mainDict', locals(), mainDict)

I think it's because the breakpoint it's instaured before the run, but I really 
don't know how to put the breakpoint "inside" the run.

Furthermore, if I define the method run like:
     def run(self, statement, globals, locals):, statement, globals, locals)
it does not even prompt the usual prompt (not any prompt at all...)!
I got this:
 >>> Running 'C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\sm\' ...
Script '<source>' returned exit code 0

Could someone give me a hint about:
1) Why it does not work?
2) How to modify it the way I want?

Thanks a lot.


import pdb
import bdb

class Sdb(bdb.Bdb,pdb.Pdb):
     def __init__(self):

     def run(self, statement, globals, locals):
         '#--- break' : pdb.Pdb.do_break
         for line in lines:
             if line in functions:
                 pdb.Pdb.do_break(self, str(linenbr)), statement, globals, locals)

def run(statement, globals=None, locals=None):
     Sdb().run(statement, globals, locals)

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