Issues migrating from Solaris to RedHat 9?

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at
Thu Oct 2 05:56:13 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 21:12, Tom Loredo wrote:
> Hi folks-
> I'm about to move from a Solaris 8/SPARC environment to a Dell running
> RedHat 9.  Are there any issues I need to be aware of in bringing my
> Python code over (mostly scientific computation)?  In particular, I know
> earlier versions of RH shipped with an "old" Python installed as "python"
> and that installation of more recent versions should not overwrite
> "python" (e.g., install as "python2.3").  Is this still the case in RH9?
> Any other issues?  I will be simultaneously developing for multiple
> platforms, so avoiding something like having to have "/bin/env python2.3"
> at the top of scripts is highly desirable.
> Also, if I send scripts to other RH users, will there be issues
> (in particular with RH8, since that is still widely used)?


RedHat 9 ships with python 2.2.2 in /usr/bin/python (also
/usr/bin/python2  and /usr/bin/python2.2 - they are all the same thing!

RedHat 8 has the same setup but it is version 2.2.1 so no problems with

If you are going to install 2.3.* then I would (and have) put it into
/usr/local/ as this will not cause any problems with the RedHat
applications that use python.  If you put it into /usr/bin as python or
python2 you will end up having to compile all the extensions that RedHat
ships with python (PyGTK, M2Crypto... and a whole lot more) 

All in all it may be worth sticking to the RedHat python (2.2.2 / 2.2.1)
for the short term (till RedHat 10?) especially if you are releasing
these programs to other people/platforms....


Martin Franklin <mfranklin1 at>

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