another candidate for deprecation (was: Why shouldinput(prompt="hello:") fail?)

Aahz aahz at
Tue Nov 25 14:09:09 EST 2003

In article <3FC388F2.8FB1B8D2 at>,
Peter Hansen  <peter at> wrote:
>Skip Montanaro wrote:
>> Even better, deprecate input() and rename raw_input() to input()...
>If you mean do those two things at the same time, you've just
>deprecated the use of "input" and then provided only a routine named
>And if you mean to separate them with one release to give time for the
>deprecation notice to spread around, you'll just confuse people when
>you then add "input" back in, but with different functionality.
>(I agree with the idea of reusing the name input() for the One True
>Input Routine, but not with deprecating anything as it will just
>confuse the issue.)

Yeah,  what would make more sense would be to rename input() to
eval_input() and rename raw_input() to input(), and immediately
deprecate eval_input().
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

Weinberg's Second Law: If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote 
programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

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