Creating a Python installer in win32

Mark Hammond mhammond at
Wed Nov 26 18:19:31 EST 2003

Patrick wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 04:25:34 +0000, martin z wrote:
>>Hey, all.  I'll get to the point: project for class, got most of my needs
>>figured out, just unsure about one detail: this is a large-scale design
>>course, so it has to be a complete win32 app.  That means a standalone
>>installer.  I can't just say "go fetch Python, then run this .py file".
>>Anybody know how to set such a thing up?
> Yes.

In the real world, if you were asked "do you have the time?", would you 
truly asnwer "Yes" and walk-away?

Do-unto-others-as-you-would-do-unto-them-in-the-real-world <wink> ly,


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