Problem with py2exe-frozen CGIHttpServer-based script

vincent wehren vincent at
Thu Nov 27 12:46:48 EST 2003

"Thomas Heller" <theller at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:isl66xxj.fsf at
| "vincent wehren" <vincent at> writes:
| > Hi,
| >
| > as a small capabilities demo I coded the piece below to show how to use
| > Python for cgi'ing on localhost and it more or less does the trick :-).
| > However, I when I freeze it with py2exe, starting the resulting exe
fires up
| > the server allright,
| > but fails execute cgi commands correctly (i.e. the expected output  -
| > say from cgi.test()) - is no longer emitted to the browser...).
| >
| > Is there some py2exe-magic I need to do that I don't know of? Something
| > the code that prevents the frozen version to work?
| That's an easy one!
| Look into, near line 232:
|             if self.is_python(scriptfile):
| =>              interp = sys.executable
|                 if interp.lower().endswith("w.exe"):
|                     # On Windows, use python.exe, not pythonw.exe
|                     interp = interp[:-5] + interp[-4:]
|                 cmdline = "%s -u %s" % (interp, cmdline)
| It tries to start 'sys.executable' with the python cgi script.  Normally
| sys.executable is the Python interpreter, but for a py2exe'd script this
| is the running executable (which is no longer a usual Python
| interpreter).
| Changing this line to 'interp = r"c:\python23\python.exe"' makes the
| frozen script work (although then the Python installation is required
| again).
| (A few minutes later, looking at again)
| It seems you have to hack this module so that the code block starting at
| line 270 is used, which says:
|         else:
|             # Other O.S. -- execute script in this process
| and then it works fine.
| Thomas

Hi Thomas,

I suspected something along those lines....

I'll give the hack a go!



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