most unreliable GNU project

Chad Netzer cnetzer at
Wed May 14 14:52:05 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-05-14 at 09:10, CipoFuzo wrote:
> Thanks Gerhard,
> You've been really helpful.

That reads like a sarcastic response, and if so, you are flirting
dangerously with my, and I'll assume others, 'killfile'.

Considering the valuable help that people have provided you this past
week, I'd suggest you give Gerhard's advice some real consideration.

We have ALL worked with libraries, toolkits, etc. that have given us
real frustration in their interface design decisions.  Pointing out your
frustrations with regards to using a specific library with Python, is a
valid, and even oft posted comment.  But taking out your frustrations by
posting flamebait, and soliciting an off-topic trolling thread, is not
looked on with high regard.

Also, ImageMagick is *NOT* part of the GNU project, and has no
affiliation, that I can see, with the GNU project at all.  It doesn't
even appear to be GPL, but instead has a simple "do what you wish, don't
blame me for bugs"-type license.

There are a LOT of people doing a LOT of work to be helpful to new
Python programmers, and new programmers in general, on this list.  That
takes effort, and I think none of us want to see that change for the
worse.  I enjoy helping people starting out with the language, because
in doing so, I learn quite a bit, and become that much more effective a
programmer.  But to keep the frequent responders satisfied, we need some
acknowledgement (to boost our egos, and let us know our advice has some
worth, so that we can be confident giving it again when necessary), and
we need a good signal-to-noise ratio, so that we have time to read and

I now nominate this thread as the sole flamebait thread of the month. 
All trolls should post here. :)


Chad Netzer
(any opinion expressed is my own and not NASA's or my employer's)

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