PEP idea - Daemon

Ryan Morillo srart at
Sat May 24 04:54:13 EDT 2003

Am I the only one that thinks we should add daemonization to the os module? 
After playing for a few days trying to figure it out, I was lucky enough to 
find Jurgen's (sorry, don't know unicode for umlatts on the "u") code for 
how to do it in *nix (cookbook recipie 6.7), I think I've stumbled across 
it in windows once (example in win32 stuff), but adding it to the stdlib 
seems like a good idea to me.
Probably name it background (for the windows types, easy to remember).
What do ya'll think?
 If it sounds good to everyone else (in general), I'll write a PEP and 
cobble it together (with credit given for all the stolen code even!!)

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