Jerry Pournelle, Byte, Python, and Python in a Nutshell

Boudewijn Rempt boudewijn at
Fri May 9 03:57:37 EDT 2003

Warnes, Gregory R wrote:

> Ho! Another old timer.  I'm pretty sure I have an old 80-Micro around here
> somewhere...
> FWIW, I learned that you can judge the relevance (and long-term survival
> prospects) by pretty accurately from pagecount.  I watched 80-Micro do the
> thin->thicker->mondo->thick->thin->defunct thing.  Then Byte did the same
> thing, now I see that 'Linux Journal' is at the 'thicker' stage...

And Dr. Dobbs at the second thin stage, I fear.

Boudewijn |

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