State of Python

andrew cooke andrew at
Fri May 16 09:50:59 EDT 2003

python473 at (John Howard) writes:
> Is it just me or have I noticed a decrease in articles in magazines,
> etc about Python in recent months?  I regularly receive several

curious.  that's interesting to hear.  personally, i think python is
becoming more and more popular.

i wonder if this is something particularly about magazines.  maybe
they cover either "emerging" technologies or the mainstream, but have
a blind-spot inbetween?  or maybe it reflects something silly like a
couple of journalists being ill or otherwise occupied (i would guess
that the set of journalists writing about python is small) (cameron?).

also, i wonder how much parrot will attract people away from python?
many of the things i notice about python are related to people using
it to play with new ideas in languages.  parrot might be a more
attractive platform for those people.

finally, i suspect python is popular enough to attract language
zealots who will respond to this thread as personal attack.  hope



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