SV: A little disappointed so far

Carsten Gehling carsten at
Mon May 19 09:33:59 EDT 2003

> Fra: python-list-admin at
> [mailto:python-list-admin at]Pa vegne af Graham Nicholls
> Sendt: 19. maj 2003 12:40

> BTW, why no ++ operator?

I'm a newcomer to Python too (been working with it for about 2 months), and
what I miss sorely is:

1) ++ operator

2) assignments in test-expressions - eg:
while i++ < 10:
if row = cursor.fetchone() != None:

3) the ternary operator - x = y > z ? k : m (and, no, I do NOT like any of
the workarounds in the Python Cookbook)

None of the above spoil readability of the code IMHO.

I'm surviving without all these contructs - I'll continue to use Python
anyway - but I find my code increasing unnessecarily in size because of
these lackings.

- Carsten

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