Gui Advice Needed: wxPython or PyQT ?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Sat May 10 09:13:59 EDT 2003

Vadim Zeitlin wrote:

>  In any case, there is no such thing as "wxPython propaganda".

webster's definition is:

    "ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further
    one's cause or to damage an opposing cause"

which is a pretty good description of your own post.

and being a "tkinter authority", I've seen lots of wxFUD in my mailbox
over the years.  enough to make me avoid wxPython if I possibly can,
and concentrate on UI programming models that don't depend on the
underlying toolkit at all...  (since all toolkits suck, anyway ;-).


ps. for the tkinter crowd, I just released 1.0b4 of the tkinter WCK.
get it from:

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