memory leak wrapping object having _typelib_guid_ attribute

Andrea Babini andrea.babini at
Tue May 27 09:29:18 EDT 2003

I'm using win32all build 152 on Python 2.2.2 to develope a COM server
that implements an interface defined in a specific typelibrary.
The python class look like the follow:

from win32com.server.util import wrap

class PippoCustom:
    # COM declarations    
    ### Link to typelib
    _typelib_guid_ = '{14784438-DB63-43CA-86C9-5AB373A247E2}'
    _typelib_version_ = 1, 0
    _com_interfaces_ = ['IPippo']

    def newInstance(self):
        return wrap(PippoCustom())

I'm experimenting a memory leak each time I call the newInstance
If I modify the newInstance method as follow :

    def newInstance(self):
        return wrap(PippoCustom())

the leak doubles, so I suppose the leak is caused by the wrap
This leak doesn't appear if the class expose _public_methods_  instead
of implementing a specific interface as it is for PippoDispatch below.

class PippoDispatch:
    # COM declarations    
    _public_methods_ = ['newInstance']
    _public_attrs_ = []
    _readonly_attrs_ = []

    def newInstance(self):
        return wrap(PippoDispatch())

 Thanks in advance!


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