Announcement: Obfuscated Python competition

Robin Munn rmunn at
Tue May 20 08:02:00 EDT 2003

Graham Nicholls <graham at> wrote:
> Gerhard Häring wrote:
>> It's possible to produce bad quoting with any newsreader. But Outlook
>> Express users are particularly good at it, because their newsreader was
>> heavily optimized for this behaviour.
> I hope that you aren't implying what I think you are ;-) - this comes to you
> from one of my multiple Linux (& Unix) boxes.  I'm running KDE3.x on
> SuSE8.2.  This is knode.  I also have taken the time to reply to as many as
> possible postings, so forgive me if the layout & spelling aren't perfect( I
> keep hitting ; instead of ' for instance).  Take a look at the time of my
> postings - when have I slept in the last 24 hours?  Of course, that could
> be why I'm starting to enjoy coding in Python.

I didn't think he was implying anything about your posts. I read that
as, "Just as some newsreaders (such as OE) make it easy to produce bad
posts, so some languages (such as C) make it easy to produce obfuscated

Not-saying-anything-about-Perl-ly y'rs, :-)

Robin Munn <rmunn at>
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