Python vs PHP for our rewrite?

Van Gale news at
Fri May 16 23:11:14 EDT 2003

Jay O'Connor wrote:
> PHP is attractive from a business side but I looking at some technical
> issues.  One thing the boss told me that he was told was 
> "Definately go with PHP though if you want to have it available to the most
> number of people possible, a lot of hosting companies don't have python, 
> or don't allow it's use because it takes it longer to execute and tends to
> be more CPU instensive than PHP does (in fact the hosting company I do
>  work for disallows it except in certain specific cases for that very reason)"
> Now, my question is, is that a correct assessment or is it not true or
> can it be mitigated around?

 From one business perspective that's probably correct, especially if 
you're trying to market to the kind of people who are on the $3-4 a 
month providers (although I know of at least one of those that allows 
Python 1.5.2 scripting).

However, the "virtual server" type hosting seems to be gaining a lot of 
ground. I'm see one plan for €8.25+VAT a month, and another for $14.95 a 
month.  These plans include root access and the ability to run any 
applications you want, which can mean Python apache modules like 
mod_python, mod_snake, and SCGI, or full persistent app servers like 
twisted, webware, albatross, and zope.  That includes smalltalk apps as 

Which brings up the point Nils Kassube made in his response to your 
post.  Are you really going to make money from people who are paying $3 
a month for web hosting?  Meaning, from another business perspective, 
maybe your NET PROFIT will be much greater by not having to invest in 
rewriting the app at all and then target people who can afford $14.95 a 
month hosting plans :)

 From my own personal perspective I'd rather be the "egg" and not wait 
for the "chicken".  I'd rather program in a language I have fun with, 
and then if enough people start using Python apps we'll start seeing 
more Python friendly ISP's.


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