The most annoying typo error...

Peter Ballard pballard at
Wed May 7 20:10:14 EDT 2003

Skip Montanaro <skip at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1052304979.20874.python-list at>...
> Peter> ....Is when I do something like this:
>     Peter> x = somefunction(a, b, c, d),
>     Peter> and when I run Python I get a TypeError error.
> What background do you have that makes you terminate function calls (or
> language statements) with a comma?  The problem you're experiencing is one
> I've never personally encountered.

Cut and paste.

I start out with something like:

function1( var1, var2, somefunction(a, b, c, d),
           someotherfunction(e, f, g))
function2( var3, var4, somefunction(a, b, c, d),
           yetotherfunction(h, i, j))

Then I realise I've got a duplicate function call, so I make a

x = somefunction(a, b, c, d),

But when I cut and paste from the line(s) above, I accidentally leave
the comma in.

At a guess, it's happened about 4 times in the last 6 months. Each
time it has been very frustrating to track down.

> PyChecker enhancement maybe?

Thanks for the tip. 


Peter Ballard
pballard at

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