tuning our site (was: help! advocacy resources needed fast)

Cameron Laird claird at lairds.com
Tue Mar 25 14:55:50 EST 2003

In article <mailman.1047414442.16521.python-list at python.org>,
Geoff Gerrietts  <geoff at gerrietts.net> wrote:
>- Replace pieces of DTML with Python. We're considering several ways
>  of going at this, varying from using Cheetah to hand-coding the
>  Python: it's a little tricky because we have web designer types who
>  do all the HTML tuning and maintenance, and we have Python guys, and
>  there's limited overlap between the sets of expertise.
Mr. Gerrietts, are you aware that recent Zope offers
"Script (Python)" as an object type, along with "DTML
Document" and "DTML Method"?

I have a strong bias in favor of replacing essentially
all of a site's DTML with Python scripts.  Other
developers (I think we can find a few specific ones
willing to testify publicly, if necessary) credit
remarkable speedups to such changes; while I haven't
quantified them myself, I favor the move just because
I so dislike DTML coding.  Need I write more about why
Python's better than DTML?  Also, I don't believe *at
all* arguments about how Web designers need to work in
DTML; it would interest me a great deal to try to thrash
that out with someone who sees it differently.

Finally, you can automate much of the move from DTML
to Python.

I summarize:  you might not be aware that you can make
the move to Python scripting while retaining Zope.
You need not move to Cheetah and so on, if this reason
is your only motivation.

Cameron Laird <Cameron at Lairds.com>
Business:  http://www.Phaseit.net
Personal:  http://phaseit.net/claird/home.html

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