Really, Amazingly Silly Question

Nilesta nilesta at
Sat Mar 8 03:28:43 EST 2003

First, I realize that I'm asking an incredibly stupid question.  I
understand it.  I am at one with my stupid question.

Second, the question:  Just how exactly do you compile python?  I'm talking
write the program, translate it into assembly, smack an .exe on the end of
the name and give it to someone who's never heard of python and allow them
to run it on their machine by the incredibly complex process of double
clicking.  Or the equivilant on any other OS.  I realize there has got to be
a way to do this, other than manually, otherwise why bother with python at
all?  I have rumaged through the docs, and found info on all sorts of fun
things, like zips, tars, and self-extracting magic dohickys.  But my poor,
work-adled brain seems to have come to the conclusion that the only way to
distribute it is to pack an interpreter with it, which seems incredibly ..

Third, and entirely off the point:  My first programming language was a
bastardized version of Forth, MUF (That's sort of an upside-down and
backwards version of any other programming language, in case you don't know
it), so my natural reaction to learning any other language is to come at it
with my dukes up, ready to beat it into unwilling submission.  I was
blindsided by Python.  I'm not real sure how to work with a language that
doesn't fight me tooth and nail.

-- Nil

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