How does Python compare with RealBasic?

Paul M pmagwene at
Wed Mar 5 22:36:55 EST 2003

Markus Winter wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've just started programming in RealBasic and now came across Python
> (mainly because a molecular visualisation app I'm interested in is using
> Python as it's script language). I intend to write my first program (a DNA
> sequence analysis program) and wondered how Python compares to RB ...

While Python isn't the only way to go for bioinformatics (lot's of folks 
  like to use that other "P" language ;), I'd say that Python is 
probably much preferable to any type of basic for your intended task.

Unless your writing your sequence analysis program purely as an 
exercise, you might want to check out the available python tools for 
bioinformatics at: In fact, even if you're writing 
your program as a learning experience you might want to see how others 
have done similar things.


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