ezPyCrypto encryption using only public key problem.

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Sun Jun 15 20:37:55 EDT 2003

"Adrian St. Onge" wrote:
> Ok, I can see commenting out the bad line, etc..
> But the bad line show that you can't encrypt something with ezPyCrypto with out
> loading a private key also. How would I go about encrypting something for someone else
> with their public key, when the lib requires (it shouldn't) to have a private/public key
> pair.

One of us is misunderstanding the other, but I'm not sure which of 
us is which. :-)

When I removed that "bad line", I was able to run example3 just fine,
which I believe means the code could then encrypt something using
just the public key, as the routine in question doesn't need the 
private key *except* for the unnecessary verification step.

Does removing that line not allow your code to work?


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