Python Cannot be Killed

Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) tdelaney at
Tue Jun 17 23:57:36 EDT 2003

> From: Jarek Zgoda [mailto:jzgoda at]
> Software Craftsmen, please, consider this fact when choosing a license
> for your product - only GNU GPL guarantees that your code will not be
> "taken away" by any company.

Ignoring that Python is not GPL (which makes your statements nonsensical in the context of this discussion) ...

There is a growing view (not necessarily correct - IANAL) that the GPL is actually an explicit waiver of copyright due to the requirement to distribute the source when the binary is distributed.

If this is indeed correct then it destroys the basis of the GPL, which is that if you do not accept the license then you are subject to copyright restrictions.

Which would make it incredibly simple for a company to take GPL software, not accept the license, and then do whatever they want with it since it would be in the public domain (due to explicit waiver of copyright).

Tim Delaney

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