SAX API for Python Vs Pyxie

Sriram Chadalavada swenggsri at
Fri Jun 20 15:57:44 EDT 2003

Dear holders of Python-XML wisdom, 
As part of my project, I need to be able to convert an XML
representation into another XML form (that will form input to gnuplot)

This conversion needs to be performed by a python-based library. There
is a single such simple conversion.

>From what I just read in an O'Reilly book, SAX has some advantages
over DOM in that it consumes less memory and allows users to react to
errors in "real time", while parsing the document, rather than waiting
for the entire document to load.
I also found out about Pyxie. Some of the advantages that were listed:
1. Ability to support grep-like search features. 
2. Pipeline Processing : one application's output (in my case the
first XML format) is fed
as input for the next application which will spit out the
gnuplot-specific XML format...

Please let me know which of them (SAX - Python libraries (which one?))
or Pyxie would be more useful for the task at hand.

Python-XML newbie, 
Sriram C.

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