Access "slot" field dynamically?

Steven Taschuk staschuk at
Tue Jun 10 11:26:02 EDT 2003

Quoth Robert Oschler:
> In the block belonging to "printSomeFields()", how do I access the field
> (slot) by grabbing the field name from the fldlist list of strings?
>     print instance_of_hasslot.fl

What you need is

    print getattr(instance_of_hasslot, fl)

Btw, I don't think __slots__ is something you should use for your
run-of-the-mill classes.  It's intended for memory optimization
for classes with lots and lots and lots of instances, afaik
(contrary to some of the documentation, which suggests a
bug-prevention role).

Steven Taschuk                  staschuk at
"Telekinesis would be worth patenting."  -- James Gleick

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