Python speed vs csharp

Riccardo rtrocca_SPAM_ME_NOT at
Thu Jul 31 05:44:08 EDT 2003

Another option would be SWIG (
Write a simple function, pass the header file (sometime you do not need to
modify it at all) to SWIG and you got your source ready to be compile with
distutils (for example).
I used that approach several times.

I had a look at pyrex and BOOST.
I think that pyrex sounds very interesting if you use C (but I NEVER used it
myself unless for some stupid demo/test) while I found BOOST learning curve
(and installation, etc. etc.) a bit steep. Anyway this is just what I felt
using the two of them.


"Mike" <mike at> wrote in message
news:rkdc7poiachh.1x4jtxjzaf3zo.dlg at
> Bear with me: this post is moderately long, but I hope it is relatively
> succinct.
> I've been using Python for several years as a behavioral modeling tool for
> the circuits I design. So far, it's been a good trade-off: compiled C++
> would run faster, but the development time of Python is so much faster,
> the resulting code is so much more reliable after the first pass, that
> never been tempted to return to C++. Every time I think stupid thoughts
> like, "I'll bet I could do this in C++," I get out my copy of Scott
> "Effecive C++," and I'm quickly reminded why it's better to stick with
> Python (Meyers is a very good author, but points out lots of quirks and
> pitfalls with C++ that I keep thinking that I shouldn't have to worry
> about, much less try to remember). Even though Python is wonderful in that
> regard, there are problems.
> Here's the chunk of code that I'm spending most of my time executing:
> # Rational approximation for erfc(x) (Abramowitz & Stegun, Sec. 7.1.26)
> # Fifth order approximation. |error| <= 1.5e-7 for all x
> #
> def erfc( x ):
>    p  =  0.3275911
>    a1 =  0.254829592
>    a2 = -0.284496736
>    a3 =  1.421413741
>    a4 = -1.453152027
>    a5 =  1.061405429
>    t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p*float(x))
>    erfcx = ( (a1 + (a2 + (a3 +
>              (a4 + a5*t)*t)*t)*t)*t ) * math.exp(-(x**2))
>    return erfcx
> This is an error function approximation, which gets called around 1.5
> billion times during the simulation, and takes around 3500 seconds (just
> under an hour) to complete. While trying to speed things up, I created a
> simple test case with the code above and a main function to call it 10
> million times. The code takes roughly 210 seconds to run.
> The current execution time is acceptable, but I need to increase the
> complexity of the simulation, and will need to increase the number of data
> points by around 20X, to roughly 30 billion. This will increase the
> simulation time to over a day. Since the test case code was fairly small,
> translated it to C and ran it. The C code runs in approximately 7.5
> seconds. That's compelling, but C isn't: part of my simulation includes a
> parser to read an input file. I put that together in a few minutes in
> Python, but there are no corresponding string or regex libraries with my C
> compiler, so converting my Python code would take far more time than I'd
> save during the resulting simulations.
> On a lark, I grabbed the Mono C# compiler, and converted my test case to
> C#. Here's the corresponding erfc code:
>    public static double erfc( double x )
>    {
>       double p, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5;
>       double t, erfcx;
>       p  =  0.3275911;
>       a1 =  0.254829592;
>       a2 = -0.284496736;
>       a3 =  1.421413741;
>       a4 = -1.453152027;
>       a5 =  1.061405429;
>       t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p*x);
>       erfcx = ( (a1 + (a2 + (a3 +
>                 (a4 + a5*t)*t)*t)*t)*t ) * Math.Exp(-Math.Pow(x,2.0));
>       return erfcx;
>    }
> Surprisingly (to me, at least), this code executed 10 million iterations
> 8.5 seconds - only slightly slower than the compiled C code.
> My first question is, why is the Python code, at 210 seconds, so much
> slower?
> My second question is, is there anything that can be done to get Python's
> speed close to the speed of C#?
> -- Mike --

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