SQL null conversion

Martin Maney maney at pobox.com
Sun Jan 26 15:35:53 EST 2003

Gerhard H?ring <gerhard.haering at gmx.de> wrote:
> Aha. Your problem goes away if you use the DB-API way of quoting.

I would probably like that.  Is it documented anywhere?

> this, it's probably time to read the DB-API specification [1] ;-)

I have.  The basic premise of writing to a more or less database
independent API appeals to me.  The "specification", however, doesn't
appear to contain the words "quote", "quoting", "quoted", etc.  :-(

Python seems to call it a "specification" whenever some doc reaches the
"covers 90% of normal usage" state.  Sometimes that's good enough, but
I suspect it's at the root of a lot of the half-baked reinventions of
various wheels that litter the vaults... and many more than never
become that visible.

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