Best Python editor (under Linux)

laotseu bdesth at
Mon Jan 6 23:36:46 EST 2003

Steve Lamb wrote:
> On 03 Jan 2003 14:48:51 +0530, Ganesan R <rganesan at> wrote:
>>I see, it's about scripts. Programs written in Lisp are something beneath
>>you. That's fine :-).
>     No.  Let me put it another way.
>     Will the lisp scripts work outside of Emacs on a lisp only engine?  No?
> Why not?  
>     It is the melding of an editor with a scripting language *and then* the
> penchant for having everything under the sun programmed for it.  If the
> extensions were somehow related to editing I can understand that.  For example
> vim too is extensible.  I have a script for using aspell for spell checking.
> Spell checking happens to be a common enough thing that people would do.  It
> isn't common enough that it should be included in a text editor.  It is its
> own application and I am glad that I can swap it out for something else if
> something better comes along.  OTOH an editor having an entire newsreader
> written for it in the scripting language is like having tetris written in the
> scripting language.  What the hell do either of those have to do with editing?
> Nothing.
>     It is that mixing of two jobs into a single whole that is the problem.  Is
> it an editor?  No, it is a lisp engine.  Is it a lisp engine?  No, it is an
> editor.  Sorry, don't think they mix.
>     'sides, if I wanted a language embedded into my editor (instead of called
> from) I much prefer Python be it.

Please, could you consider Emacs and all the <scripts/programs> written 
for it as different things ? I personnally use Emacs as a code editor, 
but dont have any of the newsReader/webBrowser/tetrisOrWhatsoever 
installed. The fact that someone wrote a newsreader as an emacs 
extension has nothing to do with the fact that emacs *is* a good editor.


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