YATOPS (Yet Another Thread on Python's Speed) (was Re: HELP! Must choose language!)

Yu Wang Yu.Wang at synopsys.com
Tue Jan 7 00:37:54 EST 2003

andy wrote:

>Speed is so subjective!  A bad algorithm will make a bad program in any 
Agree :) "Computer Science is something about algorithm" I cannot 
remember the exact sentence.
But it should be  Knuth's  remark :)

>Python may be interpreted, and may not execute at /n/ mflops, but what it 
>lacks in /raw/ oomph, it really makes up for in /efficiency/ and 
>/development/ /speed/!  The stuff that needs to be fast, generally is, and 
>the rest generally doesn't matter to me...
>Beats batch-script senseless, and you can still read (and understand) code a 
>year later (unlike perl,C/C++ etc.).
Here, it just spurs me to add some agreements to this thread, though I'm 
thinking about stop
to add more "stupid comments" to it :)
The elegancy of codes organization is the first promotion to my studying 
I still remember my CSH scripts full of "$" and "\" "/" that make my 
eyes green.
I'm wondering whether there'll be a easy way to implement Shell commands.
Like Perl does with "``".

>I like Python.
Me too :)


Best Regards!

Yu Wang

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