pythonwin namespace

Mantovani Alberto Alberto.Mantovani at
Thu Jan 30 07:08:58 EST 2003

working with Pythonwin I've noted that if you launch a script a first time
and then you modify and relaunch it, the script that goes in execution is
always the first one that you launch. To execute the modify script you have
to exit and to enter   from pythonwin. This could be annoying, so my
question is:

1) Is there some method or some script to avoid this? 
I have found the manner to delete the module if it is imported with <import>
but not if it is imported with <from xxx import yyy>.

2) Is it possible to run automatically a my python script when I launch the
If this was possible I could, at the start, to save all module imported in
pythonwin (<modules.key()>) and when I want to clear the namespace to delete
the new module imported

3) Is it possible also to clear the screen of interpr. by some commands?
best regards

Mantovani Alberto

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