Update:KOBRA - .NET for Python

Chetan Gadgil cgjunkaddr at attbi.com
Tue Jan 28 12:16:48 EST 2003


I had to use managed C++ to interface with Python.

Python runs as unmanaged code. Unmanaged code is possible even in C#, but
how would that interface with Python?
Any ideas? Are you thinking of PInvoke?

A good solution would be to have a managed C++ compiler (mg++ anyone? ;-))
for Mono.


"Jeff Kowalczyk" <jtk at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:mailman.1043763594.24989.python-list at python.org...
> > Look at Mark Hammond's .NET related project
> > http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/dotnet/
> Right, I was aware of Mark's white paper on the subject, and its
conclusion that any
> generally usable Python.NET would be a long way off. Chetan's library
seems to strike a
> good balance between keeping python pythonic still having transparent
access to the
> powerful classes in the .NET framework.
> I think an OSI-licensed C# implementation of it would get a lot of
attention from Mono
> users as a scripting language for .NET components running on linux and
*nix. I look
> forward to using KOBRA as it matures.

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