best college for computer science major

Laura Creighton lac at
Thu Jan 9 01:44:52 EST 2003

> ok to be more specific what are the best undergrad schools in the US for a
> Computer Science major in general because most undergrads like me probbably
> have not decided whether they will be computer programmers, network guys, or
> whatever else.

You need to do some very careful research about this.  Talk to the
universities directly.  I am not an American and do not live in the
USA, but it sounds to me as if you want your undergraduate education
to expose you to a broad base of the actual practice of the profession
of programming.  A great many universities do not see that as part of
their mandate at all, and will work quite hard to expose you to as
little of that as possible.  They are trying to make computer
scientists, not programmers.  You can be a GREAT computer scientist
and a LOUSY programmer at the same time -- indeed it is not uncommon.

Very best of luck,
Laura Creighton

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