Copyright on the Python and Python-console icons?

Tim Peters at
Tue Jan 14 22:47:48 EST 2003

[Erik Max Francis]
> ...
> The bottom line with potential copyright infringement situations is
> either get rock solid assurance (a written and signed waiver on physical
> paper), or don't bother.  It's not worth the extremely negative
> potential payoff should things turn ugly.

How frightened are you of getting sued by the PSF?  Your use of Python is
legally possibly only under the same PSF license that covers the icon files
Mike asked about.  Get a little reality into this -- the PSF isn't
Microsoft, and some of us even like Mike a lot <wink>.  IANAL, though, and
don't want to pay lawyers to tell Mike to pay his lawyer to tell him what
should be obvious.  The PSF has better uses for its funds, and so does Mike.
Calling that living dangerously is a real stretch.

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