For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression

Anthony Baxter anthony at
Sat Feb 8 10:36:47 EST 2003

>>> Dale Strickland-Clark wrote
> So if this feature is added, you won't use it, right?
> That means it won't affect you one way or the other.
> So voting against it would be merely an attempt to scupper it for
> those of us who would really like this?

Strangely, in my programming career, I've actually had to read
_other_ _peoples_ _code_. It's freaky, I know, and obviously I'm
just strange (after all, you did tell me I'd be "happier with
COBOL" right?)

One of the reasons I try to make sure people I'm working with code
in Python, rather than Perl, is that I can be sure that pretty 
much everyone can read each other's code without having to worry
about strange little pieces of syntactical oddities. But that must
be just my COBOL-loving ways....


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