Python / C++ integration

Brandon Van Every vanevery at
Fri Feb 7 16:15:15 EST 2003

Laura Creighton wrote:
> ps Brandon are you sure that LISP isn't what you want?

Pretty sure.  The Python community seems stronger / growing faster than the
Lisp community, and the usage of Python in the computer games industry is on
a notable upswing.  Nobody is talking about Lisp, they're talking about
Python.  Python is a known game industry resume skill now.  I think it's
because the syntax of the language is less abstruse and more "real world"
than Lisp, i.e. more like C and the for() loops we're all used to.  Yet it
still provides many of the flexibility benefits of Lisp with its basic

Someday I may create a user AI plugin API for my game.  So I looked at a lot
of scripting languages, and asked "Which scripting language would be best
for a novice-to-intermediate programmer?"  Python seems to be the clear
winner at this point.  The syntax isn't threatening, and there's a strong
community around it so I don't have to be a handholder.

Also there's the question of what I'd use for my internal scripting.  I'm
*not* going to reinvent the wheel with my own scripting language, I have
neither the time, the inclination, nor the foolishness.  Candidates were
Python and Lua.  Lua is billed as a toolkit for creating scripting
languages, not a scripting language proper.  Lua would be appropriate if
performance was my overriding concern.  But it isn't.  Ergo, the stronger
community of Python, the maturity of the toolbase, is more important.  Lua
has but one tiny mailing list.

Brandon Van Every               Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.

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