PEP 308: Alternative conditional operator forms

Carel Fellinger carel.fellinger at
Tue Feb 11 17:59:17 EST 2003

On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 10:21:07PM +0000, Bengt Richter wrote:
> Why don't we just set up a web page with all the alternatives listed
> and checkboxes [-1] [-0] [+0] [+1] to click for each, and have cgi
> format a response page with a concise email mailto link with parameters encoding
> the vote info, so voters can just click the mailto link and have their local email
> client pop up with vote parameters already set up in subject and/or body, and
> all they have to do is send it.
> Valid return addresses could be checked if desired with automated return mail and

Yep, but not because people might vote twice, but to allow them to
_switch camps_ and revote.  So remember the last vote, undo it, and
count the new vote.

groetjes, carel

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