PEP 308: Alternative conditional operator forms

Bengt Richter bokr at
Tue Feb 11 17:21:07 EST 2003

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 01:22:19 -0800, "James J. Besemer" <jb at> wrote:

>Erik Max Francis wrote:
>> I feel I should point out that in Usenet CFVs, abstensions carry no
>> weight whatsoever and never affect the voting outcome.  The point is
>> particularly important for Usenet CFVs, but I think it applies here too.
>Yeah, explicit +0 or -0 certainly should count but people who don't bother to 
>express an opinion -- it's unclear what significance to attach to it.
Why don't we just set up a web page with all the alternatives listed
and checkboxes [-1] [-0] [+0] [+1] to click for each, and have cgi
format a response page with a concise email mailto link with parameters encoding
the vote info, so voters can just click the mailto link and have their local email
client pop up with vote parameters already set up in subject and/or body, and
all they have to do is send it.

Valid return addresses could be checked if desired with automated return mail and
confirmation, though that might be overkill. But in any case there would be no work
entering anything in the email itself, since all the parameters originate in the
submittal of the first web page form, and pass through the second web page via
cgi-prepared mailto parameters.

Hm... I just had an idea: what if we had a little bit of special syntax for PEP source
text so that it would be easy to generate a voting form web page like I just described?
The structured text stuff probably wouldn't need much of an extension (maybe they're
already there -- I haven't looked lately).

All you would need is something to flag the place to put the check boxes and to provide
an id tag for the check box data, and maybe where to put the submit button and how to label

Doing this once would make PEP-voting setup a one-click thing from there on.
Maybe too easy ;-)

Bengt Richter

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