Another conditional expression candidate (PEP 308)

Aahz aahz at
Tue Feb 11 10:42:49 EST 2003

In article <3E48C3E2.75AC38B4 at>,
Erik Max Francis  <max at> wrote:
>"Anders J. Munch" wrote:
>> The BDFL shot down the straight, parentheses not required version, in
>> the pep.  Looks too much like a statement.  Perhaps requiring
>> the parentheses that I would have used anyway will mend that.
>Does it?  The example shows the syntax with parentheses, but doesn't
>really make a specific point about that.  He's no fool, so I guess that
>does suggest the parentheses will be required, but it's not entirely
>clear.  (Correct me if I'm wrong; I see no mention of the parentheses
>being required.)

I've sent e-mail to Raymond Hettinger requesting clarification.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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