Python friendly ISP

Chris Keyes chrisk at
Wed Feb 5 10:25:22 EST 2003

Paul Rubin wrote:
> "Lorenzo Bolognini" <lorenzo at> writes:
>>i'd like to have these feautures:
>>Python 2.2 (of course) with MySQLdb and PIL
>>ASP, PHP + PhpMyAdmin, ASP.NET, MySQL, Zope, Active State's Python
>>engine for scripting ASP in Python since i like to mess with different
>>technologies and try to integrate the best of them!
>>Is there anything like this or am i dreaming?
> Your best bet is to colocate a box or get managed hosting.  Then
> install whatever software you want.

Should be more reliable than DSL/Cable and less likely to upset your 
provider :-) is one offering in the UK, although I 
don't know if they are worth recommending. There are several good/cheap 
ones in the US, but I can't find the links right now :-(

  I'm just learning to use mod_python and am now annoyed at having to 
take a PERL/PHP course and that my host only provides PERL :-(

I'd be interested to find out how you get on in your quest for the 
'right' services :-) Good luck!


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