ANN: Leo 3.11b1 outlining editor

Andrea Galimberti andrea_galimberti at
Thu Feb 20 03:36:50 EST 2003

Edward K. Ream wrote:
> The Open With command was new in 3.10 and has been improved in 3.11.
> Plugins are new in 3.11, though underlying code has been around for a while.

About Leo and VIM "integrated" vesion, I wrote a plugin that opens a Leo 
node content in VIM. Here is the source:

---------------------- plugin ---------------------------

"""vim handler"""

from leoPlugins import *
from leoGlobals import *

def open_in_vim (tag,keywords):
	if top():
		top().frame.OnOpenWith(("os.system", "/usr/local/bin/vim --remote ", None))

if 1: # Register the handlers...
	registerHandler("iconclick2", open_in_vim)

---------------------- end --------------------------------

To create the plugin:

- create a node in the plugin section with header: @file plugins/
- paste in its body the source above
- comment out the @ignore in "Convenience routines for hooks" to enable 
the creation of the plugin files
- comment out the @ignore in "Official plugins"
- save LeoPy.leo
- tangle leoConfig.leo to create leoConfig.txt
- change use_plugins = 1 in leoConfig.txt

To use it:

- start VIM as server: vim --servername "VIM"
- note: the name of the server *must* be "VIM"
- then, when you single-click in Leo on the icon of a node that node 
will be opened in the VIM instance you started as server. And Leo will 
sincronize back the modified contents when you save the file in VIM.

BTW: I would be glad if Edward includes my plugin in the "Contribution 
from users" section.

I noted that plugins are found only if the current working directory is 
leo's directory: this is because Leo does an os.getcwd(). Is this right 
or am I missing something? I think it would be more appropriate to 
search the plugins directory in the path where is: something like 
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "plugins").

\bye, Andrea

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