Reboot windows when nobody logged in

dsavitsk dsavitsk at
Wed Feb 12 13:39:05 EST 2003

"Lukas Kubin" <kubin at> wrote in message
news:Pine.LNX.4.44.0302121331021.31917-100000 at
> I need to code a program rebooting windows xp, when nobody is logged on.
> It means the computer is in the state with login window on. I have a
> simple windows service waiting for a tcp connection which should cause the
> reboot. I use the Python's win32api function ExitWindowsEx() but nothing
> happens.  When I test the reboot when anybody is logged on, it works. (Yes
> I've done all the AdjustPrivilege etc. already).
> Does anybody have experience doing such code?

There is an example of how to reboot a remote computer which is included (i
think) in both win32all and Mark's book.  It works on a computer at the
login screen in win2k, but I can't speak to XP.


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